We have three wonderful rescue dogs from the Lonestar Sanctuary for Animals in Midland. My mother's dog, Maggie, who is a miniature dacshund. My dog Sadie who is a little terrier mix. And just a few weeks ago, we let our daughter Rachel pick out a dog for herself. She chose a little whippit mix that she named Fern. All three dogs are wonderful, small, loving pets.
Mike's dog is actually a cat named Bob. He is more dog than cat and is completely devoted to Mike. I would like to add, the first words Mike says in the morning are not to me...no, they are to Bob. He and that cat nuzzle and cuddle before Mike gets ready for work. He doesn't talk to ME until we start the show!! Just sayin'.
Anyway, Rachel's dog Fern is a loving, sweet little dog who truly loves Rachel completely. However, when Rachel is off at college or work, Fern turns into "The Amazing Testicle Seeking Beast"! I swear I have seen that little dog jump from 5 feet away and land right on Mike's lap! She also has amazing timing! She waits until Mike is looking at his phone and then whoosh...she is airborne and landing squarely on Mike's testicles!
Mike is used to being an animal mattress. He can't sit down in the living room without virtually every animal in the house seeking him out as a warm place to sleep. But Fern doesn't have an "off" button that we can find and she has decided Mike's lap is just the place to dance so she does, alot!
So I am going to get him some iron underwear...and an ice bag.
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