Friday, March 29, 2013

Now We're Cookin'!

   I want to learn how to cook.  By this, I mean cook more than my signature dish - "mac-a-weiners-and-cheese".  My friend, Rachel, can go into a kitchen and "throw something together" with available ingredients that will astound you.  I want to learn how to do that!  My attempts at elaborate dishes turns out like Bridgette Jones' blue leek soup.  I always use the wrong color string (a reference to "Bridgette Jones Diary" where she used blue twine instead of white and ended up with blue soup.)

   None of us have a whole lot of time, or energy, at the end of the day to whip up fabulous feasts.  But Rachael Ray is making a fortune showing us how to cook 30 minute meals.  So I am going to take a class.  I am going to learn how to blend more than pasta and velveeta...I am going to learn what "cumin" is and what you put it in!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


   If you could only pray for one thing right now, what would it be?  That was the question in a survey done in England recently.  The answers that were given may surprise you, they did me. 

#1 World peace.
#2  An end to poverty.
#3  A family member.
#4  Someone who's sick.
#5  Their significant other.

   On the front page of the OA this morning, in the article "Death Toll Rises" about the accident on loop 338 yesterday morning, one of the two men who walked away from the accident said he was praying for a girl on Facebook in the back seat when the accident happened.  "I was praying for her, and obviously someone was praying for me," he said.  It's enough to drop you to your knees right now, isn't it! 

   As Easter approaches, remember that God's church is wherever you are praying.  It can be in a beautiful building, surrounded by people in their "Sunday Best", or it can be in your car on your way to work.  God doesn't care where you are...He is just glad to hear from you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We all know that actors are COMPLETELY out of touch with reality.  They live in a bubble, surrounded by people who keep that bubble floating for them until they think it is real life.  Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those completely out of touch actors. 

Gwyneth's "Annual Spring Edit" is out, listing some of her "must-have" clothes, shoes and other items.  Now, bear in mind the times in which we live...the world is mostly broke.  People are losing their homes, life savings, retirement, etc.  But Gwyneth Paltrow is doing just fine, thank you!  Her must-have items include: a $5,485 Valentino python bag; $970 ankle boots, an $850 pair of leather shorts; a $795 iPad case and a $675 t-shirt!  The total list of Gwyneth's "must-have" items amounted to nearly $500,000 dollars!  For most of us a "must-have" luxury is a cup of Starbucks!

I am not saying that she shouldn't have these items.  If she can afford them, more power to her!  I am just wondering if she has any idea who real women are and does she know any?  And even if I were rich, I still wouldn't spend $675 on a t-shirt!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Is There An App For That?

My daughter in law, Sara,  had a great idea this weekend.  We were at Possum Kingdom and she woke up listening to the birds singing.  She said she wished she had a Shazam! app on her phone that would identify birds by their song!  That got us thinking about what other great phone apps there are, and those that still need to be invented.  Like an app that would tell you what your baby's cry means.  Even if it is a general idea like "diaper" or "tired" or "hold me" and, of course, "feed me".

I know men would like an app that would tell them what a woman means when she says certain phrases.  For instance, if she really means "I expect a gift and it had better be a good one" when she says "Oh, you don't have to get me anything."  And women would like an app that can translate their husbands grunts into real conversation! 

And I KNOW parents and teens would like an app that would help them understand each other better.  Although, I have to admit, texting has been fabulous for helping parents communicate better with their kids.  They can tune out your voice but will usually read your text.  Go figure.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"The Song Remembers When"

I love, love, love the Trisha Yearwood song, "The Song Remembers When" (see video below).  Doesn't everyone have at least one song that takes you back to a moment in time?  When I hear "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" by Simon and Garfunkel, I am 12 years old and in the hospital (fortunately turned out to be a minor problem).  My mom brought that album and my little record player to the hospital so I could listen to it softly at night to keep me company. 

The Paul Simon song "Call Me Al" was the first song my baby boy, Adam, stopped to listen to.  Whenever it came on, he stopped in his tracks and listened all the way through.  I picture his little face everytime I hear that song.

When I hear "Oh What A Thrill" by the Mavericks, I am once again in a hospital!  This time, though, I know what is wrong with me...I am having a baby.  My doctor had our radio station on in the operating room and Mike called in the request.  So "Oh What A Thrill" is my daughter's song. 

These are memories that become vivid because they are tied to a song.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Texas Girls

Mike and I were talking to Bridgette and Virginia, our CMN team at Medical Center Hospital, yesterday.  We were going over our recent Celebration broadcast (what worked, what didn't and how to improve for next year) and we got to talking about what we all watch on TV.  I was frankly surprised that they both watch "Duck Dynasty".  I could understand "Modern Family" and "The Voice" but "Duck Dynasty"?

I am not saying that it isn't funny.  It's hilarious.  I have actually started using the "Sting like a butterfly, punch like a flea" line!  But what could these two young women find interesting in this program?  So I asked.  Virginia explained it pretty simply.  She said, "We are Texas girls.  Our daddy's took us duck hunting with them  from the time we could sit still!"  Well, okay, I get it now!  Texas girls are great, aren't they!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Mommy Mirror

   You gotta have more than one child.  I have three and each one makes me see myself differently.  Martina McBride did a great song called "In My Daughter's Eyes" which touched on how your reflection in your child's eyes can really affect how you see yourself. 

   My oldest son, Adam, makes me feel fun, interesting, and cool.  He has my sense of humor, my eyes, and my love of learning new things every day.  My middle child, Eric, makes me feel lucky.  Lucky that he survived his touch and go birth and the days following.  Lucky that, in the years that followed, I did not kill him.  Lucky that he still has such a sweet spirit.  Also, he makes me feel patriotic and American.  He IS an "All American Boy" in the best sense of that expression.

   In my daughter's eyes I see a mother.  Hopelessly un-cool and technically challenged, dorky and sometimes embarrassing.  But also someone who went through the same feelings, fears, heartbreaks, and joys that she is going through now.  The "Mommy Mirror" is brutal...but it is also so sweet.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Clowning Around

   Mike and I have decided to start riding bikes for excercise and fun.  We bought Mike a new one and are having mine re-furbished at Peyton's.  Only one problem with our plan...traffic.  Where can you go biking without taking your life in your hands?  I grew up (mostly) in Boulder, Colorado.  A true biking mecca with bike paths and bike right-of-ways and bike racks to lock your bike up in front of nearly every store.

   Here you are lucky to find a sidewalk!  The great thing about West Texas is that it is so flat!!  Flat is my best terrain when it comes to biking.  Boulder was built in a valley and up the side of the Rockies.  Flat was hard to come by.  Here, you don't even need extra gears.  One speed is enough!  So we will content ourselves with riding around our neighborhood.  But, to be safe, we will dress in bright clothing.  That way Mike can honk his red rubber nose when he sees a car coming.  But I think my big floppy clown shoes might make peddaling a little tough.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Setting The Stage

   Before I had children, my home was like a stage.  I would set it each night...fluffing pillows, wiping down the sink so it was spotless, shining the appliances and countertops, making sure everything was perfect.  Then, each morning I would walk into a perfect room.  I had a friend who said I didn't clean the house so much as prepare it for my return.  And that was true.  Then I had kids.

   I have a friend who has a very particular spot on the rod where the shower curtain needs to be pulled so that the curtain will dry but still allow the air to circulate in the shower so that mold won't form.  She has no children.  It is amazing how you will relax your house cleaning standards when you have kids.  Even more so when those kids become teenagers.  THEN you start picking your battles and "Wipe down the sink after you use it" is not one of those battles worth fighting!  After kids you settle for "tidy" rather than "clean".  At least you do if you want to stay sane.  And that's okay.  Enjoy your home with your kids, there is plenty of time after they grow up to set your stage.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Shoe Or Not To Shoe?

I have never considered asking guests to take their shoes off at the door.  However, I was watching a "Selling New York" episode on HGTV last week that featured a woman who was a real stickler for leaving shoes at the door.  They treated it as a kind of strange quirk this woman had and humored her.  But I have done some research and I have to say...take your shoes off!

Keeping your shoes off inside does keep your house cleaner...and healthier!  In a study by a University of Arizona microbiologist, various bacteria, including E. coli, were found on 96% of shoes tested!  Gross!  When I think about how much time babies spend on the floor it makes me shudder!  What is interesting to me is that 40% of people already ask guests to remove their shoes.  I used to think it was crazy that Mike's sister had a garage full of shoes because that is where her and her three boys always took them off and put them on.  There are no shoes in her closet, they are ALL in the garage.  She has been doing this for over 20 years!  And I have to say, her carpets are always clean.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Mommy Bar

I had a conversation recently with a friend of mine who is a new mother.  Her son is just 5 months old.  She works a VERY full-time job, is still nursing and gets about 3 minutes of sleep a day.  I really stand in awe of how well she juggles everything.  So I was a bit outraged when I found out that her 5 MONTH OLD had to take Valentine's Day cards for his childcare group!  Stupid me, I asked if she ran to the store to pick up some Sponge Bob cards or something.  Wrong.

The "Mommy Bar" is set much higher these days!  She got some card stock, went to Pinterest for ideas, and custom designed Valentine's cards for each child and teacher in the class!  She was up until 3am doing this.  I told her that the "Mommy Game" had become pretty dang competitive.  And she said, with a straight and very determined face, "Yes it is, and I am going to WIN!!"  I don't doubt it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Their Inner Chuck Norris

There has been a not-so-subtle shift in cheatin' songs in country music lately!  Just listen to the lyrics of songs like Little Big Town's "Tornado" or Carrie's "Two Black Cadillacs".  These women are fierce!  Today's women, as represented in country music, no longer sit around wondering what they are going to do "if he don't come back".  They go out and kick some cheating butt!

In Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" she completely destroys the cheating s.o.b.'s car, knowing it is the one thing he really loves.  In Miranda Lambert's "Gunpowder and Lead" she waits by the door with her shotgun and a cigarette.  THAT is what I call "finding your inner Chuck Norris"!  I guess that is why Reba said Blake Shelton would be stupid to cheat on someone like Miranda Lambert.  "You ain't seen crazy yet..." are some scary words coming from a female country singer these days.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Kindness Of Strangers

We all complain about the traffic these days.  There is, after all, a LOT of it!  But we who have called West Texas home for awhile tend to blame our new citizens who have just moved here for the problems on our roads.  I beg to differ.  We have been driving like crazy people out here for years!  We just got away with it because there were fewer people to run into on the roads.  Now there are many more cars getting in our way!

To illustrate my point about our newcomers, my friend Cathy told me a story about "the kindness of strangers".  She has a tire that has a slow leak so every couple of days she runs by Kent Kwik to air it up.  The last several times she has gone she has pulled in behind pickups from out of state.  And each time, the guy who was filling up his own tires stopped what he was doing and filled hers up for her!   And not just putting air in...using the tire gage thingie to make sure they did it right!  The first guy who did this was from California, the second was from Michigan and the third was from Iowa!  So welcome to West Texas, kindly strangers!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dining Out

I have discovered that people fall into two categories when it comes to their food.  Those who share, and those who don't.  When we dine out with friends, we all take bites of each others meal.  It's more like a family style dinner.  However, one has to be careful about doing this.  Some people are REALLY protective of their food!

So I think it is interesting that the new trend in restaurants is "family style" service.  Bigger servings on plates that everyone shares.  Some people with very defined food boundaries are going to have some trouble with this.  That's where the before dinner cocktails come in handy!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For Your Amusement

We have become fans of "The Walking Dead" on AMC.  Our son, Adam, introduced it to us during a visit to Fort Worth last summer and we sat and watched two ENTIRE seasons!  Zombies don't freak me out like they do some people.  Our daughter in law, Lilly, hates them and refuses to watch any of it.  Adam, on the other hand, has devised an actual "Zombie Apocalypse" escape plan!  At Christmas Adam, Eric and Rachel worked out how we would defend the cabin in case of a zombie attack.  It was fascinating to see how their minds worked!  And a little scary.

We eased our way into the whole zombie thing with the movie "Zombieland" which is a really funny look at the idea of a zombie apocalypse.  "The Walking Dead" is definately advanced zombie killing.  I think the idea is to have fun with it all.  We gave Adam a "Zombie Ammo Box" for Christmas and put a great t-shirt (how to identify a zombie), some Spam and bandaids in it.  He thought it was hilarious but I'll bet it is under his bed right now, fully packed and ready to go...just in case.

Monday, March 4, 2013

What I Learned

The Family Truckster's maiden voyage is now a thing of the past...and here is what I learned: 

Two people taking showers and washing dishes can fill a grey water tank in a day.  If you don't empty that tank it will back up INTO the camper! After that we really kept an eye on that "black water" tank too!!

Everything is in miniature!  I now understand why people who choose this as a lifestyle get the biggest motorhome they can.  After standing in the shower with my foot on the toilet while I tried to shave my leg I have to say a bigger bathroom would be necessary if I had to do that for more than a week.

When I was in the back while Mike was at the wheel driving down I-20 it was like being in a small earthquake!  You are definately going to want to SIT while the vehicle is in motion.

Make sure you really like your travelling companions!  There is only ONE room.  It says it sleeps six, and it does, but you are definately going to want to plan some outings!  I tried to imagine 4 adults and 3 dogs crossing the country in July and all I could think was, "What a blast!!!"

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Family Truckster

We are taking the new "Family Truckster" out for the first time this weekend.  The Family Truckster is the nickname we have given our new motorhome (borrowed from National Lampoons Family Vacation).  Camper Coaches RV in Lubbock went over everything with us, of course.  But that was weeks ago and we have forgotten nearly all of it.  So it is a trial by fire, if you will, this weekend. 

We are just going down to Fort Davis.  We used to camp there with the kids when they were younger, then we bought the cabin in 2004 and have not been camping since.  So we are excited to go back and enjoy the State Park again! 

The Family Truckster is just a 23 footer, which is all Mike and I thought we could handle on the road.  But it has all the systems like the generator, propane fridge, and 30 amp electrical service.  None of which we remember how to use.  So if you see two people in Fort Davis, in a Coachmen motorhome with no lights, roasting hot dogs over the firepit...HELP!!