Friday, March 8, 2013

The Kindness Of Strangers

We all complain about the traffic these days.  There is, after all, a LOT of it!  But we who have called West Texas home for awhile tend to blame our new citizens who have just moved here for the problems on our roads.  I beg to differ.  We have been driving like crazy people out here for years!  We just got away with it because there were fewer people to run into on the roads.  Now there are many more cars getting in our way!

To illustrate my point about our newcomers, my friend Cathy told me a story about "the kindness of strangers".  She has a tire that has a slow leak so every couple of days she runs by Kent Kwik to air it up.  The last several times she has gone she has pulled in behind pickups from out of state.  And each time, the guy who was filling up his own tires stopped what he was doing and filled hers up for her!   And not just putting air in...using the tire gage thingie to make sure they did it right!  The first guy who did this was from California, the second was from Michigan and the third was from Iowa!  So welcome to West Texas, kindly strangers!

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