Friday, May 24, 2013

Taking It Personally

So many of you have often told me that when they think of the American Soldier they think of MY American Soldier.  It is no secret that our son, Eric, is in the Army.  He is stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas.  He is a United States Army Cavalry Scout.  He is a qualified High Altitude Sniper.  He is still my baby.  Roger Robicheau expressed it in a poem that says it all for me...

My Soldier's Mom

My child, you glow in uniform
In pride I live, my heart so warm

I have such precious thoughts cascade
Some old, some new, not one will fade

How hard that day we said good-bye
The joy, the pain, etched in my eye

You left to serve our country well
My perfect one, my tears did swell

No better soldier could there be
For in my love, that's all I see

Oh how I pray for you each day
Be safe, be well, God guide your way

I keep your home in wait with me
Your Mom will guard it faithfully

How great the day when you'll return
We'll talk and talk, night-lights to burn

My Soldier's Mom, is who I am
While you serve proud, for Uncle Sam

Thank You to all who have served, who are serving, and to those who died while serving Our Country!

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