Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thank God For The CHL Class!

Mike spent all day Saturday taking the concealed handgun license class.  Thank God!  Am I glad because I will feel safer now that he can have a gun with him at all times?  No.  Let me take you back to last week...

We were doing our regular shopping at Wal Mart.  Mike got out of the truck with his phone in his hands "checking the scores" he says.  I kind of guided him through the parking lot as he stared at his phone.  Then, when we got to the entrance, I tripped.  My boot heel caught on something and I went flying.  I would have landed on my face and REALLY hurt myself if a stranger hadn't caught me and kept me from falling.

Mike never looked up from his phone!  He absently said, "Sorry honey" but he never looked up!  I said, "Just glad you didn't drop your phone sweetie!"  Sure it was snarky but I was really upset!

One of the first things they were taught in this all-day class on Saturday was to NEVER walk through a parking lot looking at your phone!!  It just makes you a target.  You have to be aware of everything and everyone in all situations.  I just want him to be aware of me falling on my ass in the parking lot!  I feel safer already.

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