Yesterday, Mike and I picked up a new over the range microwave at the store. As we were leaving, we had to check out at the door with it. I asked if a lot of people walked out of the store with appliances thinking, "who's gonna walk out the door with a refridgerator?" The checker looked at me and said, "You would not believe how many appliances just walk out the door!"
Unfortunately, I am hearing this more and more these days. People who have held garage sales and the professionals who manage estate sales have said the very same thing! About half the items for sale are shoplifted. And this weekend, the guy who is painting our kitchen was at the hospital with his daughter and everything was stolen out of his truck!
This is not the same community it was even 5 years ago. We are now being targeted by scammers, professional panhandlers, con-men and thieves. You have to be careful in parking lots. Con men (and women) target people in expensive cars and hit them with stories about needing gas to get to the hospital in Lubbock, or they are just $20 short of their rent and they are about to be evicted. And we are a community that is always ready and willing to help those in need! But now you need to be careful how (and WHO) you are giving your money to!
We all complain about the increased traffic the oil boom has brought to the Basin. But more cars is really the least of our problems! Let's take care of ourselves and each other...this is West Texas after all. We are very friendly, loving people...but we are not fools! We will not be taken advantage of.
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