Monday, January 14, 2013

Please Don't Make Me!

Am I the only person who would rather fashion a meal out of crackers and mustard than go to the grocery store?  Yesterday we cleaned the house (including mopping 2000 square feet of tile) and collapsed in front of the tv to rest.  About 3 oclock Mike turned to me and said "What's for dinner?"

I had nothing thawed, no lunch meat or bread, not even any cereal as a back-up!  Now, creative cooks can grab herbs and spaghetti and whip something up out of that.  Not me.  I am NOT a creative cook...or any KIND of cook for that matter.  I have a limited number of dishes I can produce...and yesterday I didn't have the ingredients for any of them.

Soooo, the obvious choice is get up, get out of the pajamas I cleaned the house in, wash my hair, put on some clothes and go to the store.  Right?  Not gonna happen.  As we all know, traffic is nuts, people are driving like they are on crack, the lines are long and the parking lots are crazy.  I had already battled all of that on Saturday.  You need at least one day without the madness, right?

So I figured, Mom eats her own stuff because of issues with her health.  Rachel is working nights now and is not home for dinner.  Mike would have to feed himself!  That was okay with him.  He knew I would make him go to the store with me...and he didn't want to get out of his camo jammies either.

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