Monday, January 7, 2013

Weird Weekend!

This weekend was one for the books (or the blog!)  First, we did not expect to go back up to the cabin so soon after the holidays but it was a free weekend, our daughter wanted to go up and as that is a fairly rare occurance we jumped at the opportunity.

By the time we got there late Friday afternoon, it had just stopped snowing.  The truck was not going up our hill in the snow, even in 4 wheel drive.  So we ended up hiking everything up the hill to the cabin.  It was about 35 degrees inside the cabin so it took awhile to warm up.  We were going to light the big, old, wood-burning stove in the corner of the kitchen but we heard a bird fluttering in the stove pipe.  Not an unusual happening.  Every year we fish a dead bird out of that old stove. 

So, Saturday night we were watching tv and Mike gets up and goes over to that old stove in the kitchen and opens the door.  And standing there is a little bird (a junco) covered in ash and scared.  Mike just reached in and carefully held the poor little thing.  He let it go outside and it flew up to the tree tops.  We were all so relieved it was alive!! Rachel baked a celebratory cake!  We were enjoying our cake, watching tv again when Rachel screams "Bat!!!" and dives under her blanket.  Yes, there was a bat flying around inside the cabin.  We have no idea how it got in but Rachel and I were not going to stop screaming OR come out from under blankets until it was gone.

Mike finished his cake calmly.  Then got up, got a container, waited for the bat to land on the curtain and captured it.  He took it outside and let it fly away.  It sure got the dogs excited!

Then on Sunday, Mike lost his phone while throwing away the trash on the way out of the canyon.  Fortunately, a lovely couple found it and is sending it to him today.  What a weekend!!  How was yours?

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