Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I feel I need to mention a little problem we seem to be having with our new personalized camo license plates.  It may just be coincidence...but I don't think so. 

We were coming back from the cabin weekend before last.  We were just coming out of the mountains on 82 in New Mexico and I got pulled over by our favorite NM State Trooper.  I don't know what his name is but he is VERY rude!  Let me preface this by saying that I was NOT speeding.  In fact, I had done nothing wrong.  He was in an un-marked vehicle that just looked like an SUV to me.  He pulled up right on my bumper and was following me really closely.  So I pulled over to the shoulder to let him pass.  I did this a couple of times because I wanted him to pass me.  Then the lights came on.

He told me I seemed to have trouble staying in my lane!  And then he told me he couldn't tell from my license plate what State I was from and that was illegal.  Of course, the plate has a big white TEXAS on it but whatever!  I didn't get a ticket, he just wanted to check out the plate I think.

Then, on our way to Fort Worth last Friday, everyone around me was going 82 or 83 on I-20.  I was going 79 in a 75.  We saw exactly one State Trooper and he stopped ME!  Once again, I did not get a ticket...I think he was just wondering about the license plate.  I am beginning to think it might be jinxed.  We are driving back to the cabin for the weekend.  I will keep you posted!

Monday, July 1, 2013

A Texas Treasure!

Mike and I went to Fort Worth this weekend to visit our kids and see their new house.  And while we were there I got to go to the Fort Worth Stockyards for the first time in all the years I have lived in Texas!  Now, we talk about Billy Bob's tickets, etc. but I have never actually been there.  I have always thought "The Stockyards" would be a big fenced-in area with lots of cow poop and, of course, the cows that go with that.

Nooooo.  The Stockyards are really old Fort Worth!  Wonderful old brick streets, great old buildings, antique stores, Billy Bobs (of course) and some fabulous restaurants!  They still run cattle through the streets a couple times a day, so be prepared.  It is truly the taste of Texas that you imagine it to be.

We had a late dinner at "Cattleman's" restaurant (look for the big cow on the sign) and it was the best filet I have EVER had!  And there was just a hint of cow in the air when we walked to the car after dinner.  Perfect!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Little Library's!

I ran across a little story the other day about a man named Todd Bol.  Todd built a tiny version of a one-room schoolhouse and mounted it on a post in front of his home in Wisconsin.  Then, to honor his mother, a teacher, he filled it with books for neighbors to borrow!

Now, three years later, there are 6,500 "little libraries" across the nation!  What a fantastic idea!!!  If you live in a neighborhood with kids you could fill it with Dr. Seuss or books for tweens.  If you live in a neighborhood full of retired folks, you could fill it with books that would appeal to them.  You could literally tailor your "little library" to your very own neighborhood. 

I have decided to do this up at our cabin.  It is pretty isolated (50 minutes one way to the nearest library) and I know the folks in the canyon would love this idea! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Is It Worth The Money?

During our discussion with Nashville Kat this morning, she mentioned that Martina McBride just got a new Dyson vacuum and she was complaining about how technical it was.  Really?  I am a self-proclaimed "vacuum expert".  My friends used to always come to me if their vacuums broke because I always had one I had used for awhile and gotten frustrated with and put in a closet.

Then I got a Dyson.

It must be said, I am a picky housekeeper.  I can't stand furry floors or sticky countertops.  The furry floors part is tough because we have 5 cats and 3 dogs in our house.  The vacuuming never stops!  Then there is the West Texas dust.  That, alone has stopped the suction on many vacuums in the past.  Not the Dyson.

Now, I know they are expensive.  Over $500 for most of them.  But I know I spent more than that in one year on a collection of vacuums that stopped sucking!  Don't go for any of the really fancy ones.  The simple ball vacuum model is perfect for every floor surface.  My Dyson has been working without fail for 7 years.  And as for Martina's technical issues...I gotta say, this is also the easiest vacuum to take apart and clean that I have ever used.  So, maybe Miss McBride needs to let her teenager teach her how to use it.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Ending

Last friday morning, my daughter found a beautiful chocolate lab sleeping under the bushes in our front drive.  He was sweet, gentle and graying a bit around his muzzle.  She brought him into the house, gave him a bath and asked "Can I keep him?"  I had already called Beth at Lonestar Sanctuary for Animals.  But he was so sweet and seemed to be really attached to my daughter so we let him stay.  He seemed so tired and hungry. 

She called him Buddy.  He ate, slept and was extremely tolerant of all the cats and dogs in the house.  But he was so well trained and clearly had been loved that I couldn't stop thinking that some family was really missing their beloved pet. 

On Sunday, we decided that he needed to go to Lonestar in case he had an identity chip and someone was looking for him.  On our way home from work yesterday, I got a text from Beth at Lonestar asking if we still had that chocolate lab because someone had called about missing their dog.  Mike took him right over and he was reunited with his very anxious family!  A happy ending...and his name was Jackson.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Counting My Blessings

We were watching a movie the other night, and in it the couple was really having a hard time "in this economy" surviving.  He had lost his job, she was having a tough time selling houses and their mortgage was 90 days overdue.  It made me think how lucky we have been here in West Texas! 

The economic nightmare that has hit most of the not here in Texas.  All we have to complain about is the traffic and the long wait in restaurants!  So now when I think "I want to live someplace where it rains and things turn green" I stop and thank God I live in West Texas.  People are friendly, business is booming, and I can pay my mortgage!  How great is that!

Monday, June 10, 2013


It's amazing how much you miss water when you can't have it anymore!  We live in a patio home and have very little real "yard".  What garden we do have, we have re-planted with drought tolerant plantings and put down a lot of mulch. 

The problem is, we have a central, saltillo tiled patio.  It has a fountain (over three feet tall so we can't use it) and 4 rooflines dump down into it.  When the dust blows it has a lovely (that is sarcasm) cyclone effect in our patio.  In years past, I have been able to keep it pretty clean with a good power wash about once a month.  But now, because of restrictions, I have not been able to wash it off for over a year.  We have our own little dust bowl in the center of our house!

Yesterday, when we were driving home we noticed a river of water running down several streets, into the storm drain.  I have no idea where it was coming from, probably someone's swimming pool, but it sure made me remember how nice it was to be able to use water to do things like wash your car, water your lawn, run your fountain, and wash off your patio!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

A Ringer!

The ConocoPhillips - Bad Boy Blast sporting clay shoot benefiting the Midland and Odessa Police Departments and Midland and Ector County Sheriff's Offices and Odessa Crime Stoppers is this Friday and Saturday at Windwalker Farms. 

I am going to be out there about 7am on Friday for the 8am flight.  Now, I am confessing that I will not be shooting.  I am bringing a ringer.  Our son, Eric, is a Cav Scout Sniper.  I am pretty sure he shoots better than me.  I am excited to see him in action.  He has been in the Army for almost two years, can shoot from a Blackhawk helicopter and has fired every single weapon the military has.  But can he shoot sporting clays?

Thanks to the great folks at the Bad Boy Blast for inviting us out for the fun.  And for giving me a chance to see my own "Bad Boy" in action!

Monday, June 3, 2013


I rarely ever wish I was back in elementary school.  In fact, I only think about it around this time of year.  Summer. 

Summer was freedom.  No alarm clock, no bedtime, no shoes and no idea what each day would bring.  My only restriction was that I had to take care of my little brother.  No problem, we just got into trouble together!!  Troy was great, he always ate my undercooked "Easy Bake Oven" concoctions!  When we found a bunch of Atlas Moving wardrobe boxes, we made a complete town!  Each box was a different store.

After a summer storm, Boulder Creek (Boulder, Colorado) flooded and left behind the biggest mud hole you have ever seen.  Troy and I had a blast just playing in the mud along with every other kid in our neighborhood.  We had to throw those clothes away afterward but it was soooo WORTH IT!! Sure, we had summer camps and day camps that we went to off and on just "to keep us out of trouble" but those are not the summer memories I keep in my heart and to this day my brother Troy can make me laugh like no other person in the world.

To a kid, summer is freedom...and we adults need to stop over-thinking (and over-planning) it!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Country Music = Heart!

I just love being a part of the Country Music Community.  I have never worked in any other musical format and I never will.  Country music is about the melody, the lyrics, the story, and the heart. 

Country artists drop what they are doing every summer just to return to Nashville to meet with, and entertain their fans at the CMA Music Fest.  Garth Brooks once signed autographs there for 36 straight hours!!  This is also a format that pays attention to radio.  They understand that about 90% of Americans still get their first introduction to new music ON THE RADIO!!  They also understand the absolute necessity of connecting with their fans.  And no format does that better than Country Music.

What I love most though, is that Country Music is about everything we love.  God, family, the United States Of America, and helping neighbors.  That is what Country Music did last night during "Healing In The Heartland".  They opened their hearts, showed their tears, shared their talent AND their money, and they helped people heal.  Nothing does that better than music, and no music does that better than Country!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wedding Season

Weddings.  If your first thought is "expensive" you are probably right!  However, think back to the most memorable weddings you have been to.  What is it that you remember most?  The dress?  Bridesmaids?  Flowers or cake?  No.  The most memorable weddings are fun, unusual, and comfortable!  If you are sitting around all dressed up and miserable it doesn't matter how much money was spent on the day...YOUR memory is of misery!

So if you are planning a wedding, you should think about what you want most.  Is it about YOU wearing a really expensive dress and being a princess for a day?  Mom, is it about impressing the people you invite?  If it is about the celebration of love then make it a celebration!  I think about Blake and Miranda's wedding.  She made it memorable with atmosphere.  It was not her dress others was the creative "broach bouquets" she had!  She created those because she loves the vintage look.  It was also the wedding arch made of deer antlers covered in twinkle lights.  Chosen because Blake loves deer!

The best wedding I have ever been to (and that includes my own) was my son Adam's.  It was on the beach at South Padre Island.  We were all barefoot, the sun was setting over the Gulf of Mexico, the groom wore khaki, and the party was fabulous!!  I remember the atmosphere of love...not money.

Given the statistic that we talked about a couple of weeks ago:  8 out of 10 marriages that end in the first 5 years end because the couple is financially stressed over paying off a much-too-expensive wedding...

Friday, May 24, 2013

Taking It Personally

So many of you have often told me that when they think of the American Soldier they think of MY American Soldier.  It is no secret that our son, Eric, is in the Army.  He is stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas.  He is a United States Army Cavalry Scout.  He is a qualified High Altitude Sniper.  He is still my baby.  Roger Robicheau expressed it in a poem that says it all for me...

My Soldier's Mom

My child, you glow in uniform
In pride I live, my heart so warm

I have such precious thoughts cascade
Some old, some new, not one will fade

How hard that day we said good-bye
The joy, the pain, etched in my eye

You left to serve our country well
My perfect one, my tears did swell

No better soldier could there be
For in my love, that's all I see

Oh how I pray for you each day
Be safe, be well, God guide your way

I keep your home in wait with me
Your Mom will guard it faithfully

How great the day when you'll return
We'll talk and talk, night-lights to burn

My Soldier's Mom, is who I am
While you serve proud, for Uncle Sam

Thank You to all who have served, who are serving, and to those who died while serving Our Country!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

16 Minutes

As a parent I cannot imagine waiting to hear my child's name yelled through a bull horn to find out if they are alive or dead.  And yet many parents in Moore, Oklahoma are going through this exact scenario.  An act of nature, so powerful and devastating it is unimaginable to most of us, hit their town with less than 16 minutes notice.  What can you do in 16 minutes?  Can you save your child?  Can you get just one more hug?

Please take the time to donate to the American Red Cross.  Text Red Cross to 90999 to donate $10 or go on line to

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Carry The Load!

The wonderful state of Texas has a new license plate you can buy...and it is CAMO!!  You can also personalize it, as we already have!  Check it out at The best part is that partial proceeds go to "Carry the Load" which is an organization that honors and benefits veterans, active military and all first responders.

According to an artical at, a former Navy SEAL named Clint Bruce co-founded the organization with fellow former SEAL Stephen Holly in 2011 because he was so angry that people had forgotten what Memorial Day is supposed to be honoring.  Last year, Carry the Load lauched a walking relay from West Point to Dallas, and invited anyone along the way to join and he ended up with about 500 walkers.  This year, the murder of Bruce's close friend, Chris Kyle, focused national attention on SEALs and sacrifice.  This year, we felt the deaths of 12 volunteer firefighters in West.

Clint Bruce said, "They did what they did because they thought America was worth it.  We're just challenging America to prove it."  And America seems to be looking for a way to show gratitude.  Suddenly, thousands are stepping up to Carry the Load.  "To go from 500 in 2011, to north of 20,000 this year is pretty spectacular.  It's an encouraging thing about America." 

Clint Bruce is just glad more Americans are pausing to consider the price of a peaceful day, and are willing to carry just a little of the load that was carried for them.  For information on how you can help, go to

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bravo, Angelina!

Bravo to Angelina Jolie for her brave decision to let the world know about her choice to have a double mastectomy to reduce her chances of getting breast cancer.  She said she made the choice to be tested for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations and found she had an 86% chance of getting breast cancer.  Her mother died of cancer at the age of 56. 

The test is a simple blood test.  The aftermath is the tough part.  If you have the mutations, a double mastectomy reduces your chances of getting breast cancer by 90 to 95 percent!  Reconstructive surgery is usually done at the same time.  For Angelina Jolie, this has been a three month process, but she can tell her six children that she has less than a 5% chance of breast cancer taking her away from them like it took her mother away from her.

How do you know if you should be tested?  If you have a close family member (mother, sister, grandmother) who has had the disease you need to get tested.  There is a very good chance your health care will cover the cost.  And one of the things Angelina Jolie stressed is that reconstructive surgery has come a long way in the past few years. 

Friday, May 10, 2013

From The Mom Files

We had lunch yesterday with our youngest child, Rachel, and were laughing over her selective memories from her younger years.  It just made me think about how very different each one of our kids were. 

Even when punishing them, we had to do that differently with each child!  Adam, our first born, was always such a social kid, his worst punishment was being grounded to his room.  He would sit right in the doorway and look out longingly.  Eric was, well, stubborn.  He gets that from his father who is the most stubborn man I have ever known.  I knew Eric had to be tough and stubborn to have survived his early and difficult birth...but geez!!  All I can say now is that that quality serves him well in the military.

Rachel's worst punishment always came from herself.  She doesn't like failure.  She never liked to disappoint, and Mike could make her cry with "The Dad Look".  The most amazing thing about motherhood is finding, after all the raising is done, that you really LIKE the people your children have become.
That is something to hang on to during the long, sleepless nights with your little one in your arms.  Happy Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Laws Schmaws...Let's Just STOP!

How long can we say "It will never happen to me" before it happens to you?  I am sooooo guilty!!  Watch the Tim McGraw video and ask yourself if you have had a close call on the road with your cell phone?  I have.  In fact, I have done just what the girl in the video has done!  Dropped the phone on the floor and tried to pick it up while driving.  I did that just once and nearly killed myself and someone else as well!  In fact, when I looked up I was heading straight for a car with 4 people in it.  They looked terrified and I swerved just in time.  But just how many chances do we get?

I know we talk about laws banning texting and driving, but we have got to start policing ourselves!  We should not need a law to make us stop doing something that is clearly dangerous to ourselves and others.  If you take your mind, attention or eyes off the road for even a second while going 70 mph in a vehicle you could die and take innocent lives with you!  It only takes a second.  I wish I could say that I NEVER look at my phone while driving...I can't.  But I have promised myself that my phone will stay in my purse until I get to where I am going.

How about you?

Monday, May 6, 2013

How To Become Bear Poop!

Shortly after we got to our cabin in New Mexico on Friday, we got a call from our neighbor.  She wanted to warn us that there is a "medium sized bear in the area".  She also told me that three four wheelers with teenagers driving them had been "herding" and chasing the bear.  They finally treed the bear and left.  It climbed down and the teenagers were back!  Our neighbor told them she was going to call the Game Warden if they didn't leave the bear alone.

All I could think of is just how stupid are these kids?  Even a "medium sized bear" can KILL them with one swipe of a paw!!  I have a very healthy respect for bears.  I read the book about bear attacks.  It scared the *#+t out of me!! 

We spent the weekend inside the cabin.

Friday, May 3, 2013

"Divine Appointment"

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who has just unknowingly given a great perpective on a situation you are in?  They might not even have known anything about what you are going through but they say something that comforts you or helps you deal with it?  I call those "divine appointments".  I really believe that God sends people to you with a direct word from Him.  He will use YOU for this purpose as well.

A year ago I had a fantastic opportunity to spend a week (the last week I would ever spend, as it turned out) with my mother-in-law, Maisie.  She told me that every time someone took over doing something she had always done like Thanksgiving Dinner, birthday cake baking, or paying bills (even if it was just to help her out) she felt like she "dissappeared a little bit more".  It just made me realize how we tend to marginalize our parents and grandparents as they age.  I think THAT was a "divine appointment" God set up just for me.

As it turns out, everyone I have shared that story with has also needed to hear it for a special reason.  Keep making those appointments Lord, and I will keep listening...and talking.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Save Your Life!

My dear friend, Rachel Dobbs, was in a car accident on the very deadly intersection of 158 and the Craddick Highway about a week ago.  She was pretty banged up and her car was a total loss but she was  ALIVE!  We were talking about it at her son's wedding shower on Saturday night and she credits the fact that she took a Defensive Driving class in November with helping her minimize the accident as much as possible.

So I spent 6 hours Sunday taking an on-line Defensive Driving class.  It has been 4 years since I took one and many things have changed about the class.  It is no longer really about recognizing warning signs, etc.  Now, defensive driving is about really DRIVING DEFENSIVELY!  What a concept!  I learned so much about how to minimize risks when approacing an intersection, how to create a cushion of safety around your automobile, what to do to avoid an accident, and how to stay in your "adult" mindset while driving. 

Without question, the best thing to do to avoid an accident in almost every situation...SLOW DOWN.  If you haven't taken a defensive driving class in  the last couple of years...think about spending the 25 dollars, and the 6 hours in your pj's on the computer.  You will get a discount on your insurance...and it just might save your life, like it saved the life of my friend.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Fair Food

As summer approaches, we head into fair and festival time.  I have gotten the definitive review of "fair food" from my oldest son who spent a day at the Texas State Fair just trying out the incredible selection of deep fried items. 

First, he said, fried Twinkies are entirely over-rated.  Once you bite through the crust, it is just liquified twinkie.  However, fried Dr. Pepper is fantastic!  If you want to go extreme...get the double fried funnel cake.  That is batter that is fried, covered in powdered sugar, re-battered and then re-fried.  Wow.  Makes your heart stop just THINKING about it!

His favorite of all the fried food specialties?  The fried Oreo cookie.  He said it was one of the best things he has ever eaten.  But that being is a note of caution:  do not do as he did and try all these items in a single day.  He spent the next two days in the bathroom.  You CAN have too much of a good thing!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Can You Do?

It's funny, we never think we watch a lot of television until everything goes into re-runs...and then you realize you have nothing to do!  At least there is a "summer season" of television now!  The 6 weeks between one TV season and another is a golden time to sit down and read!  So I ordered myself a couple of books on my Kindle and curled up in our bedroom to read.  Mike had other plans.

You see, the season between seasons on TV is also the end of hockey and basketball season and the beginning of baseball season!  There is NEVER nothing on TV for Mike!!  And though he could watch the various sports he flips through constantly in the living room...he "want's to be near me" so he comes into the bedroom and turns on the TV. 

A friend of mine said she runs into the same problem.  Her husband comes into the living room while she is watching "American Idol" and snores in her lap.  When she asks him why he doesn't just go to bed he says "Because I want to be with you!"  What can you say?  After all, we would also be complaining if they didn't want to be with us!  That's what I keep telling myself while trying to read through a hockey game.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Favorite Day!

Pause for Paws with the Lonestar Sanctuary For Animals is one of the best things we do on the radio.  Every week Beth brings in a doggie or a kitty and I get to love on them for 10 minutes!  The best part is that we help them get these fantastic animals adopted into forever homes.

We have adopted 4 of them ourselves.  I can tell you from my heart that these rescued animals KNOW they have been given a second chance!  And because of that, they make the most amazing pets. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

New House!

I am living vicariously through my daughter in law, Sara.  They have just bought their first house!  Right now it's all champaign and dreams...but soon it will be night sweats and "Are we sure?" thoughts.  I know what that's like.  But I have to say, I miss changing houses. 

I have moved A LOT in my life, and I always thought it would be great to settle down in a small town and stay in one house.  Well, I have done that now...and I want a new house!  Since I can't have one, I have to make the most of Adam and Sara's.  I have already told them that our house-warming gift to them will be a really comfortable guest room bed!  She was gracious enough to say "Sounds great to me!"  I hope she meant it because that really IS what we are giving them!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Take Two...

We have gotten so caught up in new technology, advances in medicine, etc. we have forgotten that perhaps those that came before us knew a thing or two that we don't give them credit for!  Remember the phrase "Take two aspirin and call me in the morning"?  For a long time we have just thought that was a brush-off by the medical profession.  Nope.

It turns out, that is just good advice!  According to the University of British Columbia, the cure for everything from headaches to heartaches is...take two asprin!  If you are undergoing some kind of existential angst...wondering what life is all about... remember, aspirin inhibits the brain signal that says something is wrong!

So, apparently, those doctors in the past knew that taking two aspirin and getting a good nights sleep would cure a lot of ills!  Hmmm, I wonder what else they might be right about?

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Getting Through It

Wow, some days are tough to get through as a public broadcaster.  This was one of them.

However, I have found some things about the Boston tragedy that have helped me through it.  Primarily, a post on Facebook by comedian Patton Oswalt, "We would not be here if humanity were inherently evil.  We'd have eaten ourselves alive long ago.  So when you spot violence, or bigotry, or intolerance or fear, hatred or ignorance, just look it in the eye and think, "The good outnumber you, and we always will."


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Job Review

   At some time in everyone's life, they have to face...a job review.  Yes, that really FUN time when someone tells you how well (or poorly) you are doing your job.  Some of these can be really constructive.  If you have a fair boss who is really paying attention to what you are doing you can actually learn how to do your job better.  I had a job interview once where my boss criticized how un-professionally I dressed.  He came in wearing a t-shirt and jeans everyday and I usually wore a dress or a nice suit.  Go figure.

   Mike and I have spent most of this week getting reviewed.  For radio people, this means they record your show and go over every word you said for 4 hours.  Good times.  But we ARE learning how to be better for you.  There have been some "Ah Ha!!" moments for us during these sessions.  There have also been some "what was I thinking?" moments.  For the most part, it has been about building a better radio station for you to listen to.  And because that is what Mike and I want more than anything, we say BRING IT job reviewer...we can take it!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


  Yes, I am pulling an Oprah here and recommending a book!  Jennifer Weiner (she wrote "In Her Shoes" which was made into a movie with Cameron Diaz) has a new book called "The Next Best Thing" that is just a really satisfying read!  I love Jennifer's books because the main characters are real people!  Not skinny, perfect, beautiful, etc. etc..

   "The Next Best Thing" is really a fictionalized behind-the-scenes look at what it is like to write and produce a television show in Hollywood.  It is funny, honest, and kinda sad.  I can say this without giving anything will make you see fame, beauty and celebrity differently.  Instead of envy, you will begin to feel SOOOO much better about your own life!  But don't worry, there is plenty of "escape" in this novel, and isn't that what we want from a good read?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Real Women Have Curves!

   I watched the Oscar's this year for the first time in years.  What I noticed about those awards was how every single actress looked boney.  Not slim, not even skinny...BONEY.  Knobby knees and elbows, shoulder blades that could slice meat, and tummies that were not just flat - they were non-existant!  What I wanted to do was fix them a sandwich!

   Now, watching the ACM Awards last night I felt no such compulsion.  Country girls have curves!  It is so refreshing to watch real women on TV!  They are talented and beautiful and gracious.  When anyone was singing on the stage, and the cameras were on the audience, you could tell they all knew the words as they sang along.  They clearly listen to each others music.  I don't care about record labels or the "business" that is country music in Nashville.  I am proud to be in Country Radio because the artists are real people and the music still ALWAYS touches me!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Breaking Bread

   There really is a reason that "breaking bread" together is so often mentioned in the Bible as a way of getting to know each other and sharing "fellowship".  I have had the pleasure of sitting down over the last couple of days with our two new employees here at the station.  A group of us took our new Account Executive out to lunch on Tuesday.  It was lovely.  After joking around we found out she is a poet.  You won't find out details like that by saying "Hi" in the break room! 

   Yesterday, Mike and I took "The New Guy", Derrick, over to Romies for lunch.  And he is really interesting!  He has been on the INTERNATIONAL stage since he was 5!!  At the age of 24 he has seen and done more than I ever will (ok, yes, that part IS a little depressing).  What Mike found out was that Derrick is a kindred spirit.  Another 12 year old boy in a grown man's body!!  Great.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Addicted To Decorating!

   I have moved A LOT in my life.  Changing schools was no fun but I always loved changing houses!  It occured to me the other day that I will probably never have a new house again, and that made me sad.  I have never had a chance to build my own home.  Choosing a floor plan, flooring, fixtures, paint...the whole idea of helping to design your own home just thrills me!  I have re-done plenty of places...but never started from scratch.

   So what do I do instead of moving?  I re-decorate and move furniture!  Poor Mike went on a hunt with me yesterday for "a pillow with a red bird on it."  We went everywhere, and he never complained!  I ended up ordering it from Overstock. 

   Some of the rooms in our house are smaller now because of the number of coats of paint I have put on the walls.  And I have learned a few things about diy: never attempt Venetian Plaster unless you have strong hands and a LOT of time (and a Venetian);  HIRE someone to paint your ceilings and woodwork; tiling can be a really zen experience, and don't be afraid to experiment with color.

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's Day

   Happy April Fool's Day!  Mike and I have enjoyed pulling a few on-air April Fools jokes in the past.  The one where we told everyone "the city" had added a new "water booster" to the water lines and they were going to be testing it was great.  We had a "city official" tell everyone they needed to close their toilet lids and put something heavy on top of them to keep from flooding their bathrooms just in case something went wrong.  Man, we heard about THAT for years!!

   The most fun we had was the year we had the two most popular newscasters (Jay and Melissa) come in and do our show as "Mike and Dana".  We didn't fool anyone but it was really fun!

   The most wide-reaching April Fool's Day joke was "Comet Dust".  The year Halley's Comet came close to earth coincided with spring in West Texas!  So we decided to blame all the usual spring allergies on "comet dust".  We heard from friends in Dallas that people were talking about comet dust causing all their allergies!!  We also heard from many doctors who got a big laugh!

   So enjoy your April Fool's Day but beware, there are people like us out there!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Now We're Cookin'!

   I want to learn how to cook.  By this, I mean cook more than my signature dish - "mac-a-weiners-and-cheese".  My friend, Rachel, can go into a kitchen and "throw something together" with available ingredients that will astound you.  I want to learn how to do that!  My attempts at elaborate dishes turns out like Bridgette Jones' blue leek soup.  I always use the wrong color string (a reference to "Bridgette Jones Diary" where she used blue twine instead of white and ended up with blue soup.)

   None of us have a whole lot of time, or energy, at the end of the day to whip up fabulous feasts.  But Rachael Ray is making a fortune showing us how to cook 30 minute meals.  So I am going to take a class.  I am going to learn how to blend more than pasta and velveeta...I am going to learn what "cumin" is and what you put it in!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


   If you could only pray for one thing right now, what would it be?  That was the question in a survey done in England recently.  The answers that were given may surprise you, they did me. 

#1 World peace.
#2  An end to poverty.
#3  A family member.
#4  Someone who's sick.
#5  Their significant other.

   On the front page of the OA this morning, in the article "Death Toll Rises" about the accident on loop 338 yesterday morning, one of the two men who walked away from the accident said he was praying for a girl on Facebook in the back seat when the accident happened.  "I was praying for her, and obviously someone was praying for me," he said.  It's enough to drop you to your knees right now, isn't it! 

   As Easter approaches, remember that God's church is wherever you are praying.  It can be in a beautiful building, surrounded by people in their "Sunday Best", or it can be in your car on your way to work.  God doesn't care where you are...He is just glad to hear from you.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


We all know that actors are COMPLETELY out of touch with reality.  They live in a bubble, surrounded by people who keep that bubble floating for them until they think it is real life.  Gwyneth Paltrow is one of those completely out of touch actors. 

Gwyneth's "Annual Spring Edit" is out, listing some of her "must-have" clothes, shoes and other items.  Now, bear in mind the times in which we live...the world is mostly broke.  People are losing their homes, life savings, retirement, etc.  But Gwyneth Paltrow is doing just fine, thank you!  Her must-have items include: a $5,485 Valentino python bag; $970 ankle boots, an $850 pair of leather shorts; a $795 iPad case and a $675 t-shirt!  The total list of Gwyneth's "must-have" items amounted to nearly $500,000 dollars!  For most of us a "must-have" luxury is a cup of Starbucks!

I am not saying that she shouldn't have these items.  If she can afford them, more power to her!  I am just wondering if she has any idea who real women are and does she know any?  And even if I were rich, I still wouldn't spend $675 on a t-shirt!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Is There An App For That?

My daughter in law, Sara,  had a great idea this weekend.  We were at Possum Kingdom and she woke up listening to the birds singing.  She said she wished she had a Shazam! app on her phone that would identify birds by their song!  That got us thinking about what other great phone apps there are, and those that still need to be invented.  Like an app that would tell you what your baby's cry means.  Even if it is a general idea like "diaper" or "tired" or "hold me" and, of course, "feed me".

I know men would like an app that would tell them what a woman means when she says certain phrases.  For instance, if she really means "I expect a gift and it had better be a good one" when she says "Oh, you don't have to get me anything."  And women would like an app that can translate their husbands grunts into real conversation! 

And I KNOW parents and teens would like an app that would help them understand each other better.  Although, I have to admit, texting has been fabulous for helping parents communicate better with their kids.  They can tune out your voice but will usually read your text.  Go figure.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

"The Song Remembers When"

I love, love, love the Trisha Yearwood song, "The Song Remembers When" (see video below).  Doesn't everyone have at least one song that takes you back to a moment in time?  When I hear "Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme" by Simon and Garfunkel, I am 12 years old and in the hospital (fortunately turned out to be a minor problem).  My mom brought that album and my little record player to the hospital so I could listen to it softly at night to keep me company. 

The Paul Simon song "Call Me Al" was the first song my baby boy, Adam, stopped to listen to.  Whenever it came on, he stopped in his tracks and listened all the way through.  I picture his little face everytime I hear that song.

When I hear "Oh What A Thrill" by the Mavericks, I am once again in a hospital!  This time, though, I know what is wrong with me...I am having a baby.  My doctor had our radio station on in the operating room and Mike called in the request.  So "Oh What A Thrill" is my daughter's song. 

These are memories that become vivid because they are tied to a song.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Texas Girls

Mike and I were talking to Bridgette and Virginia, our CMN team at Medical Center Hospital, yesterday.  We were going over our recent Celebration broadcast (what worked, what didn't and how to improve for next year) and we got to talking about what we all watch on TV.  I was frankly surprised that they both watch "Duck Dynasty".  I could understand "Modern Family" and "The Voice" but "Duck Dynasty"?

I am not saying that it isn't funny.  It's hilarious.  I have actually started using the "Sting like a butterfly, punch like a flea" line!  But what could these two young women find interesting in this program?  So I asked.  Virginia explained it pretty simply.  She said, "We are Texas girls.  Our daddy's took us duck hunting with them  from the time we could sit still!"  Well, okay, I get it now!  Texas girls are great, aren't they!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The Mommy Mirror

   You gotta have more than one child.  I have three and each one makes me see myself differently.  Martina McBride did a great song called "In My Daughter's Eyes" which touched on how your reflection in your child's eyes can really affect how you see yourself. 

   My oldest son, Adam, makes me feel fun, interesting, and cool.  He has my sense of humor, my eyes, and my love of learning new things every day.  My middle child, Eric, makes me feel lucky.  Lucky that he survived his touch and go birth and the days following.  Lucky that, in the years that followed, I did not kill him.  Lucky that he still has such a sweet spirit.  Also, he makes me feel patriotic and American.  He IS an "All American Boy" in the best sense of that expression.

   In my daughter's eyes I see a mother.  Hopelessly un-cool and technically challenged, dorky and sometimes embarrassing.  But also someone who went through the same feelings, fears, heartbreaks, and joys that she is going through now.  The "Mommy Mirror" is brutal...but it is also so sweet.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Clowning Around

   Mike and I have decided to start riding bikes for excercise and fun.  We bought Mike a new one and are having mine re-furbished at Peyton's.  Only one problem with our plan...traffic.  Where can you go biking without taking your life in your hands?  I grew up (mostly) in Boulder, Colorado.  A true biking mecca with bike paths and bike right-of-ways and bike racks to lock your bike up in front of nearly every store.

   Here you are lucky to find a sidewalk!  The great thing about West Texas is that it is so flat!!  Flat is my best terrain when it comes to biking.  Boulder was built in a valley and up the side of the Rockies.  Flat was hard to come by.  Here, you don't even need extra gears.  One speed is enough!  So we will content ourselves with riding around our neighborhood.  But, to be safe, we will dress in bright clothing.  That way Mike can honk his red rubber nose when he sees a car coming.  But I think my big floppy clown shoes might make peddaling a little tough.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Setting The Stage

   Before I had children, my home was like a stage.  I would set it each night...fluffing pillows, wiping down the sink so it was spotless, shining the appliances and countertops, making sure everything was perfect.  Then, each morning I would walk into a perfect room.  I had a friend who said I didn't clean the house so much as prepare it for my return.  And that was true.  Then I had kids.

   I have a friend who has a very particular spot on the rod where the shower curtain needs to be pulled so that the curtain will dry but still allow the air to circulate in the shower so that mold won't form.  She has no children.  It is amazing how you will relax your house cleaning standards when you have kids.  Even more so when those kids become teenagers.  THEN you start picking your battles and "Wipe down the sink after you use it" is not one of those battles worth fighting!  After kids you settle for "tidy" rather than "clean".  At least you do if you want to stay sane.  And that's okay.  Enjoy your home with your kids, there is plenty of time after they grow up to set your stage.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

To Shoe Or Not To Shoe?

I have never considered asking guests to take their shoes off at the door.  However, I was watching a "Selling New York" episode on HGTV last week that featured a woman who was a real stickler for leaving shoes at the door.  They treated it as a kind of strange quirk this woman had and humored her.  But I have done some research and I have to say...take your shoes off!

Keeping your shoes off inside does keep your house cleaner...and healthier!  In a study by a University of Arizona microbiologist, various bacteria, including E. coli, were found on 96% of shoes tested!  Gross!  When I think about how much time babies spend on the floor it makes me shudder!  What is interesting to me is that 40% of people already ask guests to remove their shoes.  I used to think it was crazy that Mike's sister had a garage full of shoes because that is where her and her three boys always took them off and put them on.  There are no shoes in her closet, they are ALL in the garage.  She has been doing this for over 20 years!  And I have to say, her carpets are always clean.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Mommy Bar

I had a conversation recently with a friend of mine who is a new mother.  Her son is just 5 months old.  She works a VERY full-time job, is still nursing and gets about 3 minutes of sleep a day.  I really stand in awe of how well she juggles everything.  So I was a bit outraged when I found out that her 5 MONTH OLD had to take Valentine's Day cards for his childcare group!  Stupid me, I asked if she ran to the store to pick up some Sponge Bob cards or something.  Wrong.

The "Mommy Bar" is set much higher these days!  She got some card stock, went to Pinterest for ideas, and custom designed Valentine's cards for each child and teacher in the class!  She was up until 3am doing this.  I told her that the "Mommy Game" had become pretty dang competitive.  And she said, with a straight and very determined face, "Yes it is, and I am going to WIN!!"  I don't doubt it.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Their Inner Chuck Norris

There has been a not-so-subtle shift in cheatin' songs in country music lately!  Just listen to the lyrics of songs like Little Big Town's "Tornado" or Carrie's "Two Black Cadillacs".  These women are fierce!  Today's women, as represented in country music, no longer sit around wondering what they are going to do "if he don't come back".  They go out and kick some cheating butt!

In Carrie Underwood's "Before He Cheats" she completely destroys the cheating s.o.b.'s car, knowing it is the one thing he really loves.  In Miranda Lambert's "Gunpowder and Lead" she waits by the door with her shotgun and a cigarette.  THAT is what I call "finding your inner Chuck Norris"!  I guess that is why Reba said Blake Shelton would be stupid to cheat on someone like Miranda Lambert.  "You ain't seen crazy yet..." are some scary words coming from a female country singer these days.

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Kindness Of Strangers

We all complain about the traffic these days.  There is, after all, a LOT of it!  But we who have called West Texas home for awhile tend to blame our new citizens who have just moved here for the problems on our roads.  I beg to differ.  We have been driving like crazy people out here for years!  We just got away with it because there were fewer people to run into on the roads.  Now there are many more cars getting in our way!

To illustrate my point about our newcomers, my friend Cathy told me a story about "the kindness of strangers".  She has a tire that has a slow leak so every couple of days she runs by Kent Kwik to air it up.  The last several times she has gone she has pulled in behind pickups from out of state.  And each time, the guy who was filling up his own tires stopped what he was doing and filled hers up for her!   And not just putting air in...using the tire gage thingie to make sure they did it right!  The first guy who did this was from California, the second was from Michigan and the third was from Iowa!  So welcome to West Texas, kindly strangers!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Dining Out

I have discovered that people fall into two categories when it comes to their food.  Those who share, and those who don't.  When we dine out with friends, we all take bites of each others meal.  It's more like a family style dinner.  However, one has to be careful about doing this.  Some people are REALLY protective of their food!

So I think it is interesting that the new trend in restaurants is "family style" service.  Bigger servings on plates that everyone shares.  Some people with very defined food boundaries are going to have some trouble with this.  That's where the before dinner cocktails come in handy!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

For Your Amusement

We have become fans of "The Walking Dead" on AMC.  Our son, Adam, introduced it to us during a visit to Fort Worth last summer and we sat and watched two ENTIRE seasons!  Zombies don't freak me out like they do some people.  Our daughter in law, Lilly, hates them and refuses to watch any of it.  Adam, on the other hand, has devised an actual "Zombie Apocalypse" escape plan!  At Christmas Adam, Eric and Rachel worked out how we would defend the cabin in case of a zombie attack.  It was fascinating to see how their minds worked!  And a little scary.

We eased our way into the whole zombie thing with the movie "Zombieland" which is a really funny look at the idea of a zombie apocalypse.  "The Walking Dead" is definately advanced zombie killing.  I think the idea is to have fun with it all.  We gave Adam a "Zombie Ammo Box" for Christmas and put a great t-shirt (how to identify a zombie), some Spam and bandaids in it.  He thought it was hilarious but I'll bet it is under his bed right now, fully packed and ready to go...just in case.

Monday, March 4, 2013

What I Learned

The Family Truckster's maiden voyage is now a thing of the past...and here is what I learned: 

Two people taking showers and washing dishes can fill a grey water tank in a day.  If you don't empty that tank it will back up INTO the camper! After that we really kept an eye on that "black water" tank too!!

Everything is in miniature!  I now understand why people who choose this as a lifestyle get the biggest motorhome they can.  After standing in the shower with my foot on the toilet while I tried to shave my leg I have to say a bigger bathroom would be necessary if I had to do that for more than a week.

When I was in the back while Mike was at the wheel driving down I-20 it was like being in a small earthquake!  You are definately going to want to SIT while the vehicle is in motion.

Make sure you really like your travelling companions!  There is only ONE room.  It says it sleeps six, and it does, but you are definately going to want to plan some outings!  I tried to imagine 4 adults and 3 dogs crossing the country in July and all I could think was, "What a blast!!!"

Friday, March 1, 2013

The Family Truckster

We are taking the new "Family Truckster" out for the first time this weekend.  The Family Truckster is the nickname we have given our new motorhome (borrowed from National Lampoons Family Vacation).  Camper Coaches RV in Lubbock went over everything with us, of course.  But that was weeks ago and we have forgotten nearly all of it.  So it is a trial by fire, if you will, this weekend. 

We are just going down to Fort Davis.  We used to camp there with the kids when they were younger, then we bought the cabin in 2004 and have not been camping since.  So we are excited to go back and enjoy the State Park again! 

The Family Truckster is just a 23 footer, which is all Mike and I thought we could handle on the road.  But it has all the systems like the generator, propane fridge, and 30 amp electrical service.  None of which we remember how to use.  So if you see two people in Fort Davis, in a Coachmen motorhome with no lights, roasting hot dogs over the firepit...HELP!!

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Learn To Laugh!

I saw a picture of Carrie Fisher this morning and I did not recognize her.  She lost some weight and looked terrific in photos after that but now she has "had some work done" and looks NOTHING like herself anymore.  It makes me wonder when enough is enough?

Carrie is not the first one to go under the knife to look younger.  Dolly, Tanya Tucker, Marie Osmond, Carole Burnette, Reba and many, many more.  The problem is, when do you say enough?  When it makes you nearly un-recognizable!  Tanya Tucker's surgeon made her look like someone else entirely.  Dolly has had one too many now but she has a really talented surgeon for sure!!  Reba has had some work done but still looks like herself so now is the time for her to say STOP!  And some I will not mention (Kenny Rogers) just look like clowns!

Then there are the lovely women who have let themselves age gracefully.  Diane Keaton, Jamie Lee Curtis,  Loretta Lynn, Meryl Streep, Martina McBride and others.  I cannot begin to imagine the pressure the women in Hollywood feel when they want a role meant for a woman of 30 and they are 50.  Shaving a few years off your face can mean losing the face you, and everyone else, knows.  And there is a point when they can't add any more soft focus without being completely blurry, when you have to face are aging.

So, no matter what age you are, I recommend laughing.  Laugh at yourself, laugh with others, laugh at the ridiculous, laugh with your kids, husband, parents and friends.  I plan to be one of those ladies with grey hair and lots of laugh Lily Tomlin!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Passing It Forward

The "Great Depression" generation (my mother's) have very interesting characteristics.  Mike and I keep running into them with her and sometimes they are a little difficult to understand.  I know where it comes from, years of making do with very little, making things last, fixing things that are broken, and figuring out how to fix a meal with what you have in the house because you can't go to the store.  She was born in Oklahoma in 1935 and her family left their farm there during the Dust Bowl.  She is familiar with doing without.

My mother's late husband, who came here from Germany in 1939, could never understand why she insisted on having a second refrigerator and freezer in the basement.  He could never understand her need to always have extra food on hand "just in case".  She still does.

And we Baby Boomers who have grown up in an "everything is disposable" culture get frustrated with her because she wants to hold on to an old chair that has been re-upholstered several times, or old end tables that are no longer in style and need a lot of work and refinishing.  And, quite frankly, it is faster and easier to buy new than it is to refinish or re-upholster. 

So we will help her give some things we are replacing at the house to charity.  Which is how I got ALL the furniture for my first apartment!  And I refinished and upholstered and made that $20 chair look new. So I guess we can call it "passing it forward"!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Thank God For The CHL Class!

Mike spent all day Saturday taking the concealed handgun license class.  Thank God!  Am I glad because I will feel safer now that he can have a gun with him at all times?  No.  Let me take you back to last week...

We were doing our regular shopping at Wal Mart.  Mike got out of the truck with his phone in his hands "checking the scores" he says.  I kind of guided him through the parking lot as he stared at his phone.  Then, when we got to the entrance, I tripped.  My boot heel caught on something and I went flying.  I would have landed on my face and REALLY hurt myself if a stranger hadn't caught me and kept me from falling.

Mike never looked up from his phone!  He absently said, "Sorry honey" but he never looked up!  I said, "Just glad you didn't drop your phone sweetie!"  Sure it was snarky but I was really upset!

One of the first things they were taught in this all-day class on Saturday was to NEVER walk through a parking lot looking at your phone!!  It just makes you a target.  You have to be aware of everything and everyone in all situations.  I just want him to be aware of me falling on my ass in the parking lot!  I feel safer already.

Monday, February 25, 2013


It has been YEARS since Mike and I have watched the Oscars.  We are not crazy about Hollywood and think most actors live in a bubble that has nothing to do with real life.  However, we watched last night just to see how Seth MacFarlane did.  And we were not disappointed! 

The whole bit with the sock puppets doing "Flight" was hilarious.  We were in tears!  And the "We Saw Your Boobs" song was great!  Loved the camera cuts to see how the actresses who are mentioned in the song reacted!  Sure he made some questionable jokes.  He writes "Family Guy"!  Did you expect tasteful?  Seth was actually more careful than I would have expected but I imagine the director had something to do with that!

There were awkward moments, as there always are. And the acceptance speeches were long, dull, and did I mention long?  The stats show that in the 60's the acceptance speeches were an average of :40 seconds long.  Last night they averaged over 2 minutes!  We loved the shark music (theme from Jaws) as the warning to wrap it up!  Clever AND funny!

What amazes both of us every year is that the big country music award shows like the CMA's and ACM's ALWAYS end right on time.  The Oscars NEVER do!  I think it all comes down to manners.  Country people understand your time is valuable.  Hollywood people think they are valuable.  And that why we are in Country radio!

Friday, February 22, 2013

You Can Take The Boy Out Of Texas...

We got a text on Saturday night at about 8:10.  It said, "I am sucking Texas air!!!"  It was from our soldier boy, Eric.  We flew him in from Fort Riley, Kansas to pick up his new truck and spend the last day of Celebration with us.

He is so happy when he is home.  Not because of us or his sister or friends...but because he is a Texas boy! He had a sergeant once that told him it was the soldiers from Texas that were always willing to go the distance.  Whether it was a fight, a battle, a challenge or whatever.  Texas boys are a proud breed.  While we were at Wal Mart, Eric went over to the Vietnam Veteran who was the greeter.  They talked for a while and then I watched as the Veteran took off his glove and shook Eric's hand as they thanked each other for their service.  Quite a moment for mom!

He was thrilled he got to stop at Sonic and get a bacon cheeseburger with jalapenos!  No Sonic in Junction City, Kansas.  He had breakfast at a Whataburger...a jalapeno cheese burger.  No Whataburgers in Junction City, Kansas.  He also said he couldn't get good jalapenos up there either.  Frankly, what he ate on Sunday would have killed me...but he was happy.  And sometimes, you just gotta make your soldier happy!  Especially if he is still your little boy.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thank You

Our Kicks Cares For Kids Celebration 2013 for Children's Miracle Network was a great success!  Over $160,000 raised for local children's health!  Congratulations to all of you who gave this year! You have made an amazing investment in the future of West Texas, our children.

We had amazing stories, great sponsors and a lot of help from the community to make this 4 day broadcast possible.  We also had a lot of help from Kelley Peterson getting it on the air, and keeping it on the air!  Without Kelley, we never would have been able to do this years broadcast, so thank you KP!

There are also a lot of sacrifices that are made here at the radio ranch when two thirds of the air staff is gone for 7 days.  For everyone's patience, Mike and I thank you.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I Cannot Tell A Lie

Okay, I am going to come clean here...

When we do the "Kicks Cares For Kids Celebration" for Children's Miracle Network everyone talks about how hard this long broadcast is and how exhausting it must be, etc.  But, in all honesty, Mike and I get treated so incredibly well by the Medical Center Hospital staff and by the CMN Director (Bridgette Meyers) and by our wonderful sponsors (including the FOOD sponsors!) that doing this broadcast is WAYYYYY more fun than it is work!

We stay in Odessa, in a lovely hotel room.  We have dinner with our friends and co-workers every night.  We have breakfast, lunch, coffee and other beverages brought to our table whenever we ask.  All WE have to do is talk!  The real work for us happens in the days leading up to the broadcast.  Once we actually start, it's just fun!!

We get to see faces other than each others, talk to people other than each other and laugh at jokes other than our own!  We DO broadcast for over 34 hours, and it IS an emotional and physical roller-coaster...but mostly it's fun!  Join us!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our Most Important Broadcast

Day after tomorrow, Valentine's Day, we begin the most important broadcasting we do all year.  Our annual "Kicks Cares For Kids Celebration 2013" for Children's Miracle Network sponsored by Alan Lang Home Improvement.  For four days we will broadcast live from the Dillard's Court at Music City Mall in Odessa.  Thursday and Friday we will be there from 6am to 5pm, Saturday 10-5 and Sunday noon-5.

We really hope you can come by and visit during our broadcast.  We love to have our listeners drop by so we can put faces to the names!  We have so much fun during this annual event, and we really want you to be a part of it all.  The on-line auction items will be on display as will the television you could win with a donation on your debit or credit card.

If you have a child that has been touched by Children's Miracle Network please come by and share your story with us.  Children's Miracle Network touches more children's lives each year than all other children's charities COMBINED!  So there is hardly a person out there who doesn't know someone who has benefitted from this amazing organization.  For us, of course, it was our own son 21 years ago.  And that life saved could one day save yours as he is serving in the United States Army!

And if you have never heard of Children's Miracle Network, stay tuned.  If you open your hearts, we will open your eyes. This year, you will hear stories that will make you realize that your donation to Children's Miracle Network won't just save children's can also change your life! 

Monday, February 11, 2013

The Squirrel

Our little Jack Rotten Terrier, Sadie, is fascinated with squirrels.  In fact, you only have to say the word "squirrel" and she will run to the back door and start barking.

We have a live oak in the back yard that hangs over our bedroom roof.  And we have always had squirrels that come and go from that tree.  But now we have an expectant lady squirrel that has taken up residence in the birdhouse that is attached to the fence.  And she KNOWS that she is driving Sadie crazy.  I would swear she knows! 

This weekend we spent a lot of time in our room because we had painters in all the other rooms painting ceilings.  So we got the opportunity to witness the squirrel/Sadie dynamic.  She will come down the tree to a branch that is right outside our french doors and look in, shake her tail and "chitter" at Sadie, who is sitting by that window just watching for her!  Sadie will talk to the squirrel in some high-pitched half bark/half whine until we let her out.  The squirrel will then run up onto the roof and laugh, I swear, LAUGH at Sadie as she goes crazy barking at her!

And if the curtains are closed, that squirrel will run back and forth over our roof, driving Sadie crazy!  Needless to say, it is ALL driving us crazy.  That squirrel needs to have her babies so she has something else to occupy her time!

Friday, February 8, 2013


In October 2007 we took a couple to dinner.  Lisa and Mike Lockaby were in town from South Carolina on radio business.  Mike was a co-worker from a group of stations in Columbia, SC so we started talking about our mutual passion for radio.  Then we started talking about Children's Miracle Network.  By the end of that dinner they were hooked!

Lisa and her friend Linda Gatti have been coming for our "Kicks Cares For Kids" Celebration for Children's Miracle Network every year.  And up until this year, they have been paying their own airfare, etc. to get here!  Lisa trains all of our phone volunteers and spends the 4 days of Celebration getting up early and going to bed late and helping us in every way she possibly can "for the babies" she says.

Linda spends the year collecting ALL of the items for the auction on and we raise thousands of dollars from it each year!  Once again, she says she does it "for the babies."

These wonderful women do not live here.  This is not their community, neighborhood or even STATE!  Yet they come in and help OUR children every year.  Why?  Because they love it here.  Because they love Children's Miracle Network.  Because they love the fun and the families that come to our Celebration at Music City Mall every February.  Because they love "the babies".  Because they are angels. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Never Thought We Would...

We bought a motorhome.  Never thought we would.  It is just amazing how things change!

When the kids were babies, we used to love to go to Fort Davis and camp.  Tent camp.  Sleep on the ground, or on an air mattress (that NEVER stayed inflated) in a sleeping bag camp.  We did that until one summer when we were sitting in the campsite and it was 103 degrees and we said...let's go home and get into some air-conditioning!  And we did.

That's when we bought a pop-up camper with an air-conditioner!  We took that camper to Canada and back several times.  The kids have really fond memories of our pop-up.  In 2004 we sold the camper and bought the cabin and that was the end of camping for us.  But recently we have realized how nice it would be to go to Georgia and visit family, drive up to Canada this summer, visit Fort Davis again and be able to stop and eat, sleep, etc.  We thought we were going to fly to Canada this summer, but we couldn't take our doggies and my mom would not be able to go.  So...we bought a motorhome. 

We went to Camper Coaches RV in Lubbock (GREAT guys, and a really great deal!) and got a 23 foot Coachman.  We love it.  Mom and Rachel love it.  Even the dogs love it!  Now we are excited about the looooooong drive to Canada.  And Rachel promises to make us coffee whenever we need it!  A truck with a waitress!  Doesn't get any better!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Whenever Possible, Hire Someone!

Mike and I have been married for a long time.  And in that time I have learned a few things about him. 

1.  He hates moving furniture.

2.  He hates messing with anything electrical.

3.  He HATES plumbing.

4.  He knows nothing about car engines.

So, mom and I have learned it is just easier to pay the extra to have whatever appliance we buy installed.  It is worth it to call in an electrician or plumber. 

Mike's father was a Teamster pipefitter in Detroit...who was in the NAVY in WWII.  Needless to say, the first language Mike learned was language not fit for polite company.  Or ex-cons for that matter!  So when he is doing something like moving furniture or fixing plumbing he reverts to his native roots.  Rachel and my mom just fade into the background and hide in their rooms.  Eric and Adam think it is funny because he gets so creative with stringing words together.  It's like he is speaking in tongues!

There are many times when he shows remarkable patience and sensitivity.  But those times do not involve plumbing, electricity or furniture moving.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Is It All About The Game?

It's Super Bowl time!  For many that means a really bitchin' party!  For others, it means the win or loss of much money.  Almost everyone loves the commercials and for a few it is probably about the actual game of football and the teams that are playing.  For us it is all about the eggs.

For 12 years, including this one, we have put two eggs in the microwave to predict the outcome of the Super Bowl.  They are 10 and 1!  And each year the Super Bowl, for us, has become about rooting for the team that the eggs predict will win.  It makes the game far more interesting for us to watch!

This year, the eggs went in...Ravens and 49ers...the microwave turned on...and the 49ers egg blew up in spectacular fashion!  The Ravens egg didn't even crack!  And boy did it stink!!  It STILL stinks!  We need a candle up here...STAT!!

So, the eggs say the Ravens will win the Superbowl in a blowout against the 49ers.  Place your bets, make your dip and get your chips, gather your friends and root for the eggs (I mean the Ravens) on Sunday!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

OMG It's Almost Here!!

Each year, about this time, Mike and I go really nuts.  Why?  The "Kicks Cares For Kids Celebration for Children's Miracle Network".  Four days of broadcasting live in the Dillards Court at Music City Mall.  It is a labor of love.  But it is also pretty scary.  I am going to tell you what few people know...this yearly broadcast is waaaayyyy out of our comfort zone!

First, you are taking us out of our little studio room and putting us on a public stage.  We are in radio for a reason, nobody can see us!  Second, we really feel the pressure to raise more money each year (of course) and take it very personally when we do or don't!  Our biggest fear is that no one will call and that we have failed to convey our deeply held belief that Children's Miracle Network is the most amazing children's charity!

We interview parents who have gone through terrifying moments with their children and feel every single emotion with them.  Then we stress about the editing (what to leave in, take out) and what song to put with the story.  We then worry about the broadcast itself.  Is the equipment going to work (it never does until right up to the hour it starts on Thursday morning!) 

But once the Celebration gets started, it is like a snowball rolling downhill.  We have an amazing amount of help and volunteers that come in from as far away as South Carolina each year just to help us.  We laugh, we love on all our Miracle Kids that come by each year to see us, and we miss our own Miracle Kid, Eric.
So we hope you will join us February 14-17 for our Celebration, because it really is one...and we need you.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Feeding The Beasties

We drove up to the cabin on Friday to check on the water situation (as in "is there any?") and found our neighbors at our cabin checking on that very thing.  We pulled up in the truck and started talking about the situation when Loretta (neighbor) looked behind me rather startled and said "You have company!" I turned around and there were 37 deer staring at us!

Now, Mike has been feeding these deer for 8 years.  We have 8 point bucks that come and eat at Chez Mikey!  He feeds some of them apples and they eat out of his hand.  They often come up to the porch and look in the door or windows looking for Mike.  And he feeds them everything he can find.  I have had to put "NOT DEER FOOD" on the cookie jar!

I grew up in Colorado.  My father was a hunter, and a very good one.  Until I was nine years old our winter meat was rabbit, venison and elk (and elk is some gooooood eating!)  So I have no illusions about deer as pets, believe me.  If my family is hungry, they will get some apple and corn fed deer!  But right now, Mike has a following.  I swear as the truck drives up the canyon the deer telegraph that "The Corn People are here!!"  Plus, I can literally watch him relax as he feeds them and that is a "good thing" as Martha Stewart would say!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Green With Envy!!

I have never been so jealous of anyone in my whole life.  My sister-in-law Michele (Mike's youngest sister) is an artist.  And I mean REALLY an Artist!!  She has amazing talent but she has also spent her whole life pursuing, nurturing, sacrificing and working to support that talent.  And last night she told us that she has been selected as the visual artist for the 2013 exchange with the Salzburg Kunstlerhaus in Austria from August 2 - September 25th.  All expenses paid, small stipend and free studio with living quarters!

Salzburg, Austria was the setting for "The Sound Of Music".  I WANT TO GO!!  I can't think of anything more amazing for an artist...or me!  I know this is a dream come true for Michele.  She has wanted it for years and the honor of being chosen is incredible...blah, blah, blah.  I WANT TO GO!!  I know I have to put my "big girl panties" on and just be happy for her.  And I am...but I WANT TO GO!!

I do not have ANY talent as an artist.  I talk for a living...and they won't send me to Austria for two months for that!  Congratulations Michele, you have worked for this and you deserve it!  I will come to Austria and clean your studio for your laundry...cook...clean your paint brushes...carry your luggage.....

If you want to check out Michele's work go to  Remember Michele, I am your favorite sister-in-law!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

It's The Little Things!

Saturday the 19th was Mike's birthday.  We always spend a couple of days sleeping...I mean "relaxing" the cabin for his birthday.  The older we get, the more important sleep...I mean "relaxing" is!  So we left Saturday afternoon with our friend Rachel Dobbs to go to the cabin for a few days. 

We got there and were thrilled that we didn't have to put chains on the tires to get up the hill!  Then we went inside.  We hadn't been up in a couple of weeks.  It had been a couple of VERY cold weeks!  The water in the toilets was frozen!  And then Mike announced there was no running water.  Now, we had replaced all our pipes a couple of years ago when it was 20 below zero.  My poor brother Troy had spent a cold, muddy week there re-plumbing.  My little niece, Megan, was the only one skinny enough to crawl under the kitchen floor! 

But Mike quickly discovered it was not our pipes that were frozen, there was no water coming IN to the cabin.  We found out that the pipe from the spring was frozen somewhere and that no one on our side of the canyon had water.  We quickly grabbed all the pitchers we could find and went up to another spring that just pours out of rock up the canyon.  After that, we thawed the toilets, went into Alamogordo to get bottles of drinking water, and settled down to a bath and shower free three days. 

I feel fortunate that Rachel is such a good friend that we didn't need to worry that she would freak out about  not being able to take a shower.  She did not freak out about having to flush the toilet with a bucket of water.  She just put on her cheeta footie pajamas and worked on a jigsaw puzzle.  And any conversation about how we smelled was forbidden!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Second Chances

We were talking to Beth from the Lonestar Sanctuary For Animals yesterday when she brought in Frankie for the show.  They adopted out 601 pets to forever homes last year!  That is more than double the number they adopted out in 2011. 

So here is a little report on some of those animals that get a second chance at becoming part of a family.  We have four of those amazing, loving, quirky animals.  My mom's little dachshound, Maggie, is so gentle and sweet.  She never leaves my mothers side.  But she is afraid of little boys with sticks.  Something in her history I am sure.

Sadie, our little rescue rat-russel terrier is the smartest dog I have ever had.  She is a very big dog in a little dogs body.  She talks all the time, has a real passion for chasing squirrels, racoons and wild turkeys and has developed a very protective love for Maggie.  If you mention the word "bath" she will crawl onto your lap and press herself against your mouth so you can't say it again.  She hates baths.

Fern is Rachel's doggie.  Fern chose Rachel as her human from the very first time they saw each other.  When Rachel is at work, Fern sits on my lap with her head on the arm of the chair so she can watch the front door until Rachel comes home.  She has learned to play tug-of-war with Sadie.  She used to be really quiet but she is now just as noisy as Sadie when they play together. 

Eric and Lilly adopted a sweet little dog named Gracie while they were here for Christmas.  Eric put his hand in her pen at Lonestar and Gracie laid her head in his hand and that was it.  He texted me this morning to tell me she goes crazy when he comes home from work, will hardly let him take his boots off and then follows him wherever he goes.  It is a wonderful thing to be greeted that way when he comes home from doing Army stuff all day!

There is something truly special about these pets.  It is as if they know they have gotten a second chance and they love you so much more just for giving them one!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Warning!

Yesterday, Mike and I picked up a new over the range microwave at the store.  As we were leaving, we had to check out at the door with it.  I asked if a lot of people walked out of the store with appliances thinking, "who's gonna walk out the door with a refridgerator?"  The checker looked at me and said, "You would not believe how many appliances just walk out the door!"

Unfortunately, I am hearing this more and more these days.  People who have held garage sales and the professionals who manage estate sales have said the very same thing!  About half the items for sale are shoplifted.  And this weekend, the guy who is painting our kitchen was at the hospital with his daughter and everything was stolen out of his truck!

This is not the same community it was even 5 years ago.  We are now being targeted by scammers, professional panhandlers, con-men and thieves.  You have to be careful in parking lots.  Con men (and women) target people in expensive cars and hit them with stories about needing gas to get to the hospital in Lubbock, or they are just $20 short of their rent and they are about to be evicted.  And we are a community that is always ready and willing to help those in need!  But now you need to be careful how (and WHO) you are giving your money to!

We all complain about the increased traffic the oil boom has brought to the Basin.  But more cars is really the least of our problems!  Let's take care of ourselves and each other...this is West Texas after all.  We are very friendly, loving people...but we are not fools!  We will not be taken advantage of. 

Monday, January 14, 2013

Please Don't Make Me!

Am I the only person who would rather fashion a meal out of crackers and mustard than go to the grocery store?  Yesterday we cleaned the house (including mopping 2000 square feet of tile) and collapsed in front of the tv to rest.  About 3 oclock Mike turned to me and said "What's for dinner?"

I had nothing thawed, no lunch meat or bread, not even any cereal as a back-up!  Now, creative cooks can grab herbs and spaghetti and whip something up out of that.  Not me.  I am NOT a creative cook...or any KIND of cook for that matter.  I have a limited number of dishes I can produce...and yesterday I didn't have the ingredients for any of them.

Soooo, the obvious choice is get up, get out of the pajamas I cleaned the house in, wash my hair, put on some clothes and go to the store.  Right?  Not gonna happen.  As we all know, traffic is nuts, people are driving like they are on crack, the lines are long and the parking lots are crazy.  I had already battled all of that on Saturday.  You need at least one day without the madness, right?

So I figured, Mom eats her own stuff because of issues with her health.  Rachel is working nights now and is not home for dinner.  Mike would have to feed himself!  That was okay with him.  He knew I would make him go to the store with me...and he didn't want to get out of his camo jammies either.

Friday, January 11, 2013

A Real Date!!

I have a date tonight!  A real date!  Usually, Mike and I consider the weekly trip to Wal-Mart as our date night.  It started out as a joke but, sadly, became almost the only night out we ever have!  So, as we are in town this weekend, we have decided to catch a double feature at the drive-in movies!

Mike and I are pretty casual so we don't dress up unless we are forced to at gun point.  And, at the drive-in you can even wear your jammies if you want to (and don't plan to visit the concession stand.)  Of course we don't wear our jammies because Mike likes to go in and get a Chihuahua.  So for the entire movie the truck smells like onions.  Could be worse.

We remember the very distant past when you had to hang the tinny sounding speaker from your window, and keep moving around the lot until you found one that worked!  Now it is all so easy!  Great stereo sound, big windshield, the privacy of your vehicle.  This is truly an invention from the country that created the whole "car culture".  I love sitting in the relative coziness of our truck, talking out loud if we want to, not having to worry about someones cell phone or the two girls behind you that won't shut up.

But the best part of Date Night is getting to spend time alone with Mike.  You would think that we get enough time together.  We are usually with each other 24/7.  But as much fun as working with him is...NOT working with him is even more fun because we still make each other laugh!  We talk about the kids, the past, the future and everything else.  Mike is, even after 21 years of marriage, the person I most want to be with.  And I am always thankful that I have such an amazing friend.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Finding A Treasure

Mike and I used to go "junking" a lot.  We loved finding "just the thing" for this room or that room.  However, we now have two homes stuffed with furniture so we stopped.  Yesterday, we got a wild hair and went over to Habitat Restore to see if there was something we could rescue.  I love Restore.  If you want cabinet hardware, sinks, doors, shutters, tile, etc. it is the place to visit!!  However, it was like re-visiting my past through decorating.  Lots of pinks, greens, taupe and plaid.  It made me realize how completely colors, metals, woods, countertops and appliance colors go out of style.  There were a lot of gold lighting fixtures as the style now is brushed nickel or bronze.  Someday, they will also be out of style.

Anyway, we moved on to Joseph's at Wadley and Midkiff.  I have collected Fiesta Ware for over 20 years and I am always looking.  Joseph had some pieces there that I thought were mythical.  Sometimes it is enough to just go and look at beautiful things from the past.  Fiesta does for me exactly what it was designed to do during the Great Depression.  It cheers me up.  The colors and design are so bright and fun you can't help but smile when you see it. 

Then we spotted an old cedar chest we thought we could use as a blanket chest.  It was a real find at a great price and we snapped it up.  It is just a simple cedar chest from the 40's that needs a little love but will always be more special than something new.  The best part is that Mike and I went somewhere other than Wal-Mart together.  It was fun to go looking for a treasure together and finding one we both loved.  Hopefully, when we get it to the cabin, we won't have to carry it up the mountain...

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Learning Your Lessons!

I wrote yesterday about the crazy weekend we had at the cabin.  Today, I write about the lessons learned from that weekend.  First, newest isn't always bestest!  I bought "chains" for our 4 wheel drive Tundra so that we could get up the steep 100 yard slope to our cabin in the snow.  I did my research.  All the reviews said these "chains" were easy to put on and worked perfectly.  They were neither.  We parked at the bottom of the hill after many attempts to go up.  The "chains" were broken and worthless.  They were really cables with metal rings on them and they were really complicated to put on.  They went into the dumpster on Sunday!

While we were struggling with our truck we stood aside to watch a neighbor with REAL chains on all four tires just drive up the hill without sliding even once!  So, when I got home on Sunday I ordered real, old fashioned tire chains.  Lesson learned.

Second, we rarely go to the cabin without taking some stuff with us.  Groceries, canned goods, dishes, furniture, etc.  This time it was all those things!  We decided to replace an old recliner with a chair and ottoman (my preferance over a recliner) and we had it with us in the truck.  So, on Saturday we had to get that chair up the hill.  During that difficult and exhausting process it actually struck me that Mike and I are not spring chickens anymore.  At 8000 feet the air is thin and catching your breath is tough!  I actually worried that one or both of us could have a heart attack right there on the hill below our cabin!

So, I have resolved to get into better shape.  I have also decided that whatever furniture is at the cabin, stays there and we will add no more to it!  This was the SECOND piece of furniture that we have humped up that hill in the snow over the last 5 years.  The first was a couch that is NEVER leaving the cabin!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Weird Weekend!

This weekend was one for the books (or the blog!)  First, we did not expect to go back up to the cabin so soon after the holidays but it was a free weekend, our daughter wanted to go up and as that is a fairly rare occurance we jumped at the opportunity.

By the time we got there late Friday afternoon, it had just stopped snowing.  The truck was not going up our hill in the snow, even in 4 wheel drive.  So we ended up hiking everything up the hill to the cabin.  It was about 35 degrees inside the cabin so it took awhile to warm up.  We were going to light the big, old, wood-burning stove in the corner of the kitchen but we heard a bird fluttering in the stove pipe.  Not an unusual happening.  Every year we fish a dead bird out of that old stove. 

So, Saturday night we were watching tv and Mike gets up and goes over to that old stove in the kitchen and opens the door.  And standing there is a little bird (a junco) covered in ash and scared.  Mike just reached in and carefully held the poor little thing.  He let it go outside and it flew up to the tree tops.  We were all so relieved it was alive!! Rachel baked a celebratory cake!  We were enjoying our cake, watching tv again when Rachel screams "Bat!!!" and dives under her blanket.  Yes, there was a bat flying around inside the cabin.  We have no idea how it got in but Rachel and I were not going to stop screaming OR come out from under blankets until it was gone.

Mike finished his cake calmly.  Then got up, got a container, waited for the bat to land on the curtain and captured it.  He took it outside and let it fly away.  It sure got the dogs excited!

Then on Sunday, Mike lost his phone while throwing away the trash on the way out of the canyon.  Fortunately, a lovely couple found it and is sending it to him today.  What a weekend!!  How was yours?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Fun, The Presents...The Smells!!

Ahhh Christmas.  It was great this year at our house!  A new daughter-in-law, soldier boy home for two weeks, a little more time with our oldest son and his wife all added up to a great holiday.

However, when they all left the cabin on the Saturday after Christmas, Mike and I were left with the mess, the trash...and the smell!  I literally spent the whole day Saturday cleaning up.  Mike took 13 bags of trash to the compactor down the canyon!  Then he escaped to Alamogordo to do some food replenishing (boy, can they all EAT) and I put Christmas away, stripped beds, found left behind socks, did a LOT of laundry and collapsed.

When Mike got home we vacuumed, mopped and re-arranged the furniture back to the pre-Christmas arrangement, missing the kids the whole time.  However, we did reflect on a few things.  First, no amount of potpourri, candles, Febreeze or those little waxy-melty things could overpower the smell of feet (among other things) in the cabin.

Second, when do boys stop smelling?  Our sons are now in their 20' when do they start smelling good?  Mike smells good all the time.  We are pretty sure that about the time our boys start to smell good, they will have babies and we start all over with the smell!  The girls were just as messy but they smelled better.

We sat in our quiet, clean cabin (that smelled faintly of Fabuloso) on Saturday night, reflected on the events of the week, missed our kids and relaxed.  Another Christmas is over, the New Year has begun and we are praying yours is fantastic!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

They Did It!!

Mike and the boys (Eric and Adam) made plans before Christmas to go camping sometime during the holidays at the cabin.  And they did it!! 

We all went to lunch at the Lodge in Cloudcroft (a Christmas tradition that I personally LOVE!!) and then made a trip "down the hill" to Alamogordo for a day-after-Christmas trip through Wal-Mart for groceries and a few items for the camping trip.

By the time we got back up to the cabin, the sun was beginning to go behind the mountain.  They packed up in a hurry and headed up the mountain.  The girls and I noticed they forgot matches, flashlights and toilet paper.  Also, they left one of the adult sleeping bags behind and accidentally took the old kids bag with the smiley face on it (designed for sleep-overs, not sub-zero temperatures.)

We girls settled down in the warm cabin with new Kindles and some lovely wine. 

The next day, I drove up to pick them up at the appointed time.  I found three frozen men who were so desperate for a hot bath and a warm bed that they could barely speak.  But the story did come out.  They found a semi-flat surface in the dark.  Set up tents, started a campfire, ate the military MRE's that Eric brought them for dinner and decided at 9pm that it was time to turn in.  That's when the fun started, they said. 

First, snow is unforgiving.  Soft at first, then it becomes ice.  And even on a very gradual slope, that ice becomes a tent-luge.  All night long they fought the tent, sleeping bags, cold, wind and "something" walking around outside in the snow that kinda freaked them out.

When all is said and done, the one thing Adam and Eric were most impressed by was that Mike urinated his name in the snow.  It was actually the first thing the boys told me when they got into the truck.  Adam said the "M" was perfect!  I am left wondering if he wrote "Mike" or "Michael".  I am not going to ask.