Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Laws Schmaws...Let's Just STOP!

How long can we say "It will never happen to me" before it happens to you?  I am sooooo guilty!!  Watch the Tim McGraw video and ask yourself if you have had a close call on the road with your cell phone?  I have.  In fact, I have done just what the girl in the video has done!  Dropped the phone on the floor and tried to pick it up while driving.  I did that just once and nearly killed myself and someone else as well!  In fact, when I looked up I was heading straight for a car with 4 people in it.  They looked terrified and I swerved just in time.  But just how many chances do we get?

I know we talk about laws banning texting and driving, but we have got to start policing ourselves!  We should not need a law to make us stop doing something that is clearly dangerous to ourselves and others.  If you take your mind, attention or eyes off the road for even a second while going 70 mph in a vehicle you could die and take innocent lives with you!  It only takes a second.  I wish I could say that I NEVER look at my phone while driving...I can't.  But I have promised myself that my phone will stay in my purse until I get to where I am going.

How about you?

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