Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Save Your Life!

My dear friend, Rachel Dobbs, was in a car accident on the very deadly intersection of 158 and the Craddick Highway about a week ago.  She was pretty banged up and her car was a total loss but she was  ALIVE!  We were talking about it at her son's wedding shower on Saturday night and she credits the fact that she took a Defensive Driving class in November with helping her minimize the accident as much as possible.

So I spent 6 hours Sunday taking an on-line Defensive Driving class.  It has been 4 years since I took one and many things have changed about the class.  It is no longer really about recognizing warning signs, etc.  Now, defensive driving is about really DRIVING DEFENSIVELY!  What a concept!  I learned so much about how to minimize risks when approacing an intersection, how to create a cushion of safety around your automobile, what to do to avoid an accident, and how to stay in your "adult" mindset while driving. 

Without question, the best thing to do to avoid an accident in almost every situation...SLOW DOWN.  If you haven't taken a defensive driving class in  the last couple of years...think about spending the 25 dollars, and the 6 hours in your pj's on the computer.  You will get a discount on your insurance...and it just might save your life, like it saved the life of my friend.

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