Friday, March 15, 2013

Setting The Stage

   Before I had children, my home was like a stage.  I would set it each night...fluffing pillows, wiping down the sink so it was spotless, shining the appliances and countertops, making sure everything was perfect.  Then, each morning I would walk into a perfect room.  I had a friend who said I didn't clean the house so much as prepare it for my return.  And that was true.  Then I had kids.

   I have a friend who has a very particular spot on the rod where the shower curtain needs to be pulled so that the curtain will dry but still allow the air to circulate in the shower so that mold won't form.  She has no children.  It is amazing how you will relax your house cleaning standards when you have kids.  Even more so when those kids become teenagers.  THEN you start picking your battles and "Wipe down the sink after you use it" is not one of those battles worth fighting!  After kids you settle for "tidy" rather than "clean".  At least you do if you want to stay sane.  And that's okay.  Enjoy your home with your kids, there is plenty of time after they grow up to set your stage.

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